We believe the educational process should focus on students and adapt to their needs. This approach is usually referred to as “student-centred education”, in which the student is not perceived as a mere object that needs to be educated but as an independent thinking personality capable of taking responsibility for their education. We want students in secondary schools to be able to decide to a greater extent not only about the content of their education but also about the running of the educational institution itself. For this reason, we advocate greater choice of subjects and the strengthening of the force of student councils, see below. In the concept of student-centred education, the teacher plays the role of a guide and mentor in the educational process. This approach to education was based on the theory of constructivism, which emphasises the student’s active role in the educational process and highlights the process of self-construction of knowledge (the opposite of this theory is the so-called transmissive teaching, i. e., one that only transmits ready-made knowledge).
The Czech education system does not sufficiently take into consideration the differences between students; that is why we promote the adaption of the educational process in such a way that it takes into account the abilities and possibilities of students individually, not purely collectively. We also see the ability to share knowledge, work with information and connect new information with already acquired knowledge as necessary. We believe that if the education we receive at secondary school will be relevant for the 21st century, it is essential to work hard on changes that affect classroom practices, which is why we are coming up with the campaign “SECONDARY SCHOOL REVOLUTION”.
Strengthening student governments
Nowadays, student parliaments and councils do not have full support in the law, which we would like to change by enshrining them, including their rights and obligations. Furthermore, we propose their connection with the school board, in which would be members of the local government present.
Emphasis on the quality of teachers
The quality of teachers determines the level of education. We want well-paid educators – experts who will continue to educate and improve themselves. It is crucial to strengthen the student-teacher relationship and to reflect the student’s views on ongoing teaching.
Emphasis on methodological variety in teaching
Face-to-face teaching, rote learning, or grades from 1 to 5. Against this, we set group or individual assignments, projects, cooperative education or personal consultations.
Reduction of the maximum number of students in a class to 24
Currently, there can be up to 34 students in one classroom. We wish teaching would become more individualised, so we must create the conditions for this.
Increase in rewards for internships and improve their quality
A student generating income for a person they are interning for has a minimum wage of only CZK 17.50. We do not want to work for a pittance and crate profit for companies; we call for emphasis on the quality and fairness of practical learning.
A broader choice of subjects
During secondary education, students profile their further professional, academic, and personal life. We want broader possibilities for students to choose their subjects to make the hours spent at school as beneficial as possible.
Recognition of the language certificate at the maturita exam
We demand that a student who obtains a certified test in a foreign language does not have to take the exam in the state part of the maturita exam. Now it is pointlessly possible only in the school part.
Appeals against disciplinary action
In secondary school, we are almost adults. We are responsible for our actions, but who will guarantee the correctness of their assessment? We demand fair decision-making regarding disciplinary sanctions and reduced conduct marks. The current state does not allow for an appeal.
Apolitical appointment of directors
The committee composition which selects the director for his position is one place more political than professional. To prevent trade in regions with such an important position, we want to change the distribution of forces and change the recommendatory nature of the commission’s decision to a binding one.