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We welcome new members with open arms



Become one of them!


Become a member

Meet others – secondary students with similar interests as you who are part of ČSU. We bring together everyone who cares about their education and wants to change it.

What do I get?

  • Newsletter with invitations to exciting events and projects from ČSU
  • The opportunity to participate in events organised by ČSU (Weekend of School Student Councils, General Assemblies, round tables…)
  • The opportunity to become a member of the ČSU team and thus participate in the functioning of the entire organisation
  • Access to the member group on Facebook, where we share offers for exciting events and discuss ČSU activities

Any secondary student in the Czech Republic can become a Czech Secondary Students’ Union member. Registration is voluntary and free of charge. Protection of personal data We handle your personal data per Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data. Taking photos and videos Along with registration, you give ČSU permission (according to § 12, paragraph 1 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll.) to take documents of a personal nature, likenesses, images, video, and audio recordings of its activities.