We change education
We want better education: more innovation and dialogue. We talk to the Ministry of Education and parliamentary committees – we discuss maturita exams, civic education and other problems of Czech education.
We are a place of new friendships
We bring together active and inspiring secondary students. We are a place for new friendships, a space for sharing experiences and new ideas.
We have our own projects and campaigns
We led a campaign for dual broadcasting on Czech television – No to dubbing: Let’s learn differently; we organised two debates on education a now we are working on the “Exemplary Student Council” project.
We protect the interests of secondary students
Education is not only about preparing for the work market. It is a prerequisite for functioning in a democratic and globalised society, which is not easy to navigate.
We promote democratic principles
We support the functioning of student councils and parliaments, demand more civic education and advocate for student-friendly school management.
We represent secondary students abroad
We are part of a platform uniting secondary school unions from different parts of Europe – OBESSU – which cooperates with the European Union, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
The collective statutory body of the association is a five or seven-member board with a one-year term of office headed by the association’s president. The board is in charge of activities and management of the association and represents it politically, decides on the admission and expulsion of members, assesses the authorisation of delegation, manages the association’s assets and performs other activities specified in the Articles of Association or arising from the legal order. The association is represented by the chairman and vice-chairpersons.
The control and arbitration body of the association is a five-member supervisory board whose members can only be former members of the board. The supervisory board ensures the continuity of the association’s operation, supervises its activities and resolves disputes. Every member can contact it with suggestions or complaints – e.g. via e-mail at dr@stredoskolskaunie.cz.
The association’s supreme body is the General Assembly, in which all delegates participate with the right to vote, i.e. members authorised to represent the self-governing body of students (student parliament, student council) operating at their school. The General Assembly elects and dismisses the supervisory board and the presidency, decides on changes to the statutes, sets priorities and approves strategic and ideological documents; therefore, it determines the association’s long-term direction and ideological anchoring.
What is the purpose of the maturita exam?
The maturita exam will already contain a mathematics part in a few years. But if we just add tests and don’t change the way of teaching, will we really improve Czech secondary education? We have to start from the ground up.
Our opinion on maturita exams
We measure with the same yardstick
The Ministry of Education is introducing uniform entrance exams for all types of secondary schools. A single exam will determine the student’s future course in academics. Isn’t this intention too fatal?
Uniform entrance exams in secondary schools